Rainbows end down that highway, where ocean breezes blow. (1)

Californian flag

LA to San Diego

motoring out leaving Marina del Rey.

bird on Anna bird on Rick hosts to shore birds lost in the fog.

boats, shore w/ palm trees moored off Sta. Catalina Island.

dinner on Espire at home, at anchor.

Rick & house the house in San Diego where I lived, 1967-1969.

Anna installing hardware ditto Installing the grounding for the HF (HAM & Marine SSB) radio.

lots of electronics installed and working. "Toyboat, toyboat, toyboat".

software pirate costume Haloween: the Software Pirate, Redbeard.

Anna, Rick, & Marc Three Amigos, leaving San Diego.

point left Back to Espire's voyage of discovery.

(1) The opening quote is copyrighted material © 1977, 1979 Ice Nine Publishing Company, Inc., from the song "Estimated Prophet" by John Barlow and Bob Weir. Used here with thanks but without permission.

All images copyright © 1996 Rick Drain.